This is a ballad that I wrote a few years ago to include in a story. I have brushed it up a bit and added a few more verses. The beginning, especially, could use more work to make it flow better. Once there was a mariner, Andureth Bold by name. His hair as shining silver was, His eyes were like a flame. His sword with flashing jewels set, His cloak a seafoam grey, His standard bore a gallant ship, In colors bright and gay. Andureth sailed the boundless seas, He did not know of fear, And many songs and tales he told Of lands both far and near. Gossip ran among the towns... The people called him master Of every sea, and said his ship Could never know disaster. One day he set sail on the sea, The sky was fair and bright. The winds were sweet, the waves were calm, And stars came out that night. But next day a great gale blew in, Fierce from the north-east, The rain a lash, the waves all wild, The wind a...