Greater Love Has No Man: A Short Story
I do not write about marriage and couples and falling in love. It's something I know next-to nothing about, so I steer clear. But this story idea has been wandering about in the back of my mind for several years now and I thought, 'hey, it's Valentine's Day. Why not give it a try?' So anyway... ______________________________ "W e're through. Done." His shoulders sagged beneath the admission of defeat. "Nothing left to do but sell out and leave. "Oh." She said. It was a flat, stale word, doing no justice to the feelings that surged inside her. She was torn between joy over her own gratification and a sudden sorrow for his dead dream. Standing before the dishpan, she slowly washed and washed a cracked china plate with her gaze directed straight in front. "One good thing. I know you'll be happy to get out of this place." He was looking at her, waiting for her response. She turned to face him. "Yes....