The soul must cling, sometimes, to memories, The counting up of kindnesses And things that make this life a good one: Chappa lady telling me: "Don't take those words to heart." Salted fish and xima on the stairs. Notes written in a childish scrawl: For Janie in America A rubiks cube Skipping class to make sure I got home The little gifts Bright words in the darkness Closenesses of knowing, being known The bringing up of festered confrontations In hopes of understanding and of peace Eye contact and the honesty of words: "I almost lost a friend." (When I hadn't thought it mattered any more). Long Whatsapp calls And emails, Late- night chats That offered me a lifeline far from home. The conversations where I cried, And said mean things, Accused Yet still was sure of being loved. Chocolate Rusks A teapot wrapped and warm Coming in the rain to say goodbye. Nicknames: Hermana, maninha, and of course, madame Facebook messag...