You're searching for a quiet spot To sit, and have a little thought. A place unhaunted by the fears Of daily cares and passing years. A place untroubled by the beat And aimless rush of many feet. You want a grassy corner where, Untroubled by the mocking stare, Of those who do not understand You'll take a pen into your hand. Take pen, and write a simple song To pass unnoticed by the throng. But then, someday when you are dead, And granite molders at your head, A careworn soul will read your lay Of starry night and sunny day And find the courage to depart The beaten paths, and make a start Upon the peaceful, grassy way Where only kindred feet will stray. At length to seek a weathered stone - A grassy tomb, at peace, alone - And say, (perhaps with grateful tear), 'My friend, your so...